Audience Engagement

Honestly, why should your target audience care?

Why is audience engagement important?

Having an audience which is highly engaged and turning them into agency advocates builds brand awareness, a stronger positioning within your market, and generates you more leads. A long-term, engaged audience saves money when working on your other objectives, for example, distributing your podcast through your followers is cheaper than through paid social. An engaged audience can also act as your personal distribution network. Similar to your own employees, sharing your content, service offering and story through word of mouth, social media, email, and messaging apps opens up new (and highly effective channels) which otherwise would be challenging to crack.

How do I help build a community who cares?

There are many factors to consider when building your audience engagement, but above all, consistency is key. This isn’t just the consistency of when you post, upload or notify, but it includes consistency of messaging, faces of the company, and branding.

The remote Marketer helps to build your engagement by helping to define your company’s personality and include it into each marketing action, including content creation, online advertising, email marketing and even user experience. 

I help you to create a targeted, cross channel approach. Thinking about which platforms your target audience uses and how they use them, means your agency can be personal, giving your audience a feeling of ‘knowing’ your company like a person. This builds trust and helps turn simple likes, to agency advocates.

How can I help improve your audience engagement?

Organic social media

I create streams of social content for your agency so you can beat the tiresome, time consuming and challenging task.

Content marketing

Whether you are looking for a new eBook, assistance with your content calendar, or consultancy around conversion rate optimisation - I'm here to help.

Paid social campaigns

I run objective-based social ads around the world, driving engagement across LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Reddit.

Email marketing

Crafting the perfect message from subject to signature can be a tough talk. With tried and tested strategies, I can help boost your open rates and increase clicks.

Personal branding

People engage with people. I help decision makers build their online profile through thought leadership and personal content.

Community development

There's one thing getting a few likes on a social post but developing a community of advocates who not only subscribe to your content, but actively distribute it, holds a lot more value.